Thursday, June 18, 2009's been three months...

Go figure. Things get crazy, I forget to keep track. I guess here's the Cliff's Notes version of what has happened in the last three-plus months since I last wrote a blog entry:

-Mike got let go from the Blue Jays and moved back west to Arizona.

-I moved into a new place in Clearwater, having been looking and finally finding a place on the outskirts of town, near U.S. 19, as I'm living with a 50-year-old woman. At least I have my own room.

-Two days after I moved in, my car totally broke down on me. A couple days later, I was back on the road, but not before I thought my car was truly done for.

-I MCed the final seven games of the Spring Training season, showing off that I can do more than just write, which was a great shot in the arm.

-On the final day of spring training, I drank and ate so much afterwards that I threw up on the porch at Eddie's in Dunedin. True story. I would not drink for a long time afterwards.

-Two days later, the idea of broadcasting became relevant to the staff, and they put me in place to do a few broadcasts here and there.

-I went south for Easter with the family, enjoying a hell of a good time in the process.

-I went east toward Melbourne/Cocoa Beach to go see Brevard County sweep Dunedin, and meet some good people over there in the process as I took a player across to join the team.

-Went south and spent time on the beach with my Uncle Jay, which is always a good time.

-Did my first professional broadcast, a loss to the Tampa Yankees. I have done two more since.

-I played a lot of poker and almost won a tournament.

-I got out and saw a little bit of the area around Dunedin, and found a couple neat spots.

-Saw an amazing WrestleMania at Winghouse.

-Most recently, I celebrated my 25th birthday down in Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, and it was a weekend I sorely needed.

-I came back with a bump on my head without knowing what it is, as it hurts anytime pressure is put on my head.

And now, here I am. June 18, 12:25 EST, and I'm finishing up this blog post with one more home game to go before this weekend's All-Star festivities. I won't have another weekend until July 16th, when I head back west to see family and friends for a couple of days, but if there's anything I've learned, it's to give yourself checkpoints if you feel yourself down. I have one month until I head west. With that as the goal, it's up to me to work my butt off and work towards that weekend as an ending point. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions, with plenty of ups and downs, but life is all about finding balance. I still haven't found it, but it's something that's always a work in progress...and something I hope to find much sooner than later.

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